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Homeschool and Socialization

If you’re new to homeschool, I can guarantee at some point, you’ll hear the words homeschool and socialization mentioned in the same sentence. If you’ve been homeschooling for a while, then you know exactly what I mean.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the word, what does socialization mean? One dictionary defines it as being made into fit companionship for others. Many people think the only way to socialize a child is by placing him or her in a controlled setting such as a public or private school.

To socialize simply means to interact with others. There is a common misconception that homeschooled children aren’t ‘properly socialized’. The meaning (and most people are well meaning when asking about socialization although there are exceptions) then is that apart from a traditional school setting, children can’t possibly learn how to get along with others, how to be active and productive members of society.

The reverse is usually true. Homeschooled children who are well socialized can interact and carry on a conversation with people of all ages rather than being forced to socialize with only their peers.

Homeschooled kids are often more socialized than most non-homeschooled children. The reason is because of all the activities available to homeschool families today.

One way of socialization for homeschool kids is to become active in a teen group at a local church. Most churches have realized the need to reach young kids and teens in the community and provide a wide variety of events in which kids can interact.

Some colleges have homeschool extensions for programs such as 4-H where kids can get together while learning things such as science experiments. One homeschool 4-H extension group taught students how to make batteries. Another taught hand quilting.

Homeschool support groups often get together for various field trips to aquariums, bowling alleys or even host regularly scheduled skating nights. Don’t have a group in your area? Create one yourself and invite other homeschool families in your area to join.

More often than not, private religious schools will usually allow homeschooled students to join their various sports activities, that’s another avenue you might want to consider as well.


Homeschool Articles and Resources:

Is Homeschooling for You?

Social Interaction for Homeschooled Children

Fieldtrips for Homeschoolers

Lesson Planning for Disorganized Homeschool Moms

Homeschool Science projects

Dealing With Homeschool Opposition

101 Easy Science Projects

Educational Things to Do On Your iPod

Make Math More Fun

Homeschool Resources and Help

What is Unschooling?

Homeschool for Special Needs Children

Social Opportunities for the Homeschooling Mom

Keeping Your Child's Interest