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The Advantages of Having a Homebirth

Woman and Baby after a homebirthOccasionally women who choose to give birth at home encounter criticism from doctors, friends, and relatives who make accusations of endangering the infant or risking their own health.  A homebirth is not dangerous under normal circumstances.  Barring any special health risks affecting the mother or the baby, giving birth at home can be a comfortable, satisfying experience.  The most important issue in deciding where to give birth is to make an informed decision and realize the advantages and risks you face with whichever birthing method you choose.

Having a baby is wonderful, natural thing...not a medical condition. Many moms want to honor that natural experience by having their baby in the comfort of their own home where they can relax and feel comfortable. Nothing is more comforting than your own bed and familiar surroundings. The whole family can be present too.

The most important factor in choosing a homebirth is the safety of the mother and the fetus.  Some women prefer the immediate access to emergency medical care that giving birth in a hospital can provide.  Other women feel uncomfortable in a hospital setting and would prefer to give birth at home, surrounded by friends and family.  Many women have found that the unfamiliar surroundings in a hospital lead to increased anxiety during labor and a prolonged labor experience.  The comfort of giving birth in your own home can mean less stress for the mother, which can reduce the length of labor and expedite the birthing process.

A homebirth will mean that your midwife can give you her undivided attention and not have to spend time with other laboring mothers.  You can invite anyone you desire to a homebirth without worry of violating hospital regulations or having to ask permission to include whomever you desire in the birth of your child.  A homebirth gives the mother freedom from unnecessary intervention such as prepping before the delivery and the use of an IV as a precautionary measure.   The newborn can avoid the standard treatments such as silver nitrate in the eyes and blood tests done immediately after birth.  Research has suggested that homebirths lead to quicker recovery for the mother and higher Apgar scores for the baby from the moment of birth.

See also: Homestead Natural Birth & Advantages of having a Waterbirth

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